import std.getopt;
import std.string;
import trial.discovery.unit;
import trial.discovery.spec;
import trial.discovery.testclass;
import trial.runner;
import trial.interfaces;
import trial.settings;
import trial.stackresult;
import trial.reporters.result;
import trial.reporters.stats;
import trial.reporters.spec;
import trial.reporters.specsteps;
import trial.reporters.dotmatrix;
import trial.reporters.landing;
import trial.reporters.progress;
import trial.reporters.xunit;
import trial.reporters.tap;
import trial.reporters.visualtrial;
import trial.reporters.result;
int main(string[] arguments) {
string testName;
string suiteName;
string executor;
string reporters;
"testName|t", &testName,
"suiteName|s", &suiteName,
"executor|e", &executor,
"reporters|r", &reporters
auto settings = Settings(["spec", "result", "stats", "html", "allure", "xunit"], ["trial.discovery.unit.UnitTestDiscovery", "trial.discovery.spec.SpecTestDiscovery", "trial.discovery.testclass.TestClassDiscovery"], 1, GlyphSettings(SpecGlyphs(`✓`), SpecStepsGlyphs(`┌`, `└`, `│`), TestResultGlyphs(`✖`), DotMatrixGlyphs(`.`,`!`,`?`), LandingGlyphs(`✈`,`━`,`⋅`), ProgressGlyphs(`░`,`▓`)), ".trial", 20, 100, [], "");
static if(__traits(hasMember, Settings, "executor")) {
if(executor != "") {
settings.executor = executor;
if(reporters != "") {
settings.reporters = reporters.split(",");
StackResult.externalModules = ["fluent.asserts", "fluentasserts.core.array", "fluentasserts.core.base", "fluentasserts.core.basetype", "fluentasserts.core.callable", "fluentasserts.core.evaluation", "fluentasserts.core.expect", "fluentasserts.core.lifecycle", "fluentasserts.core.objects", "fluentasserts.core.operations.approximately", "fluentasserts.core.operations.arrayEqual", "fluentasserts.core.operations.beNull", "fluentasserts.core.operations.between", "fluentasserts.core.operations.contain", "fluentasserts.core.operations.endWith", "fluentasserts.core.operations.equal", "fluentasserts.core.operations.greaterOrEqualTo", "fluentasserts.core.operations.greaterThan", "fluentasserts.core.operations.instanceOf", "fluentasserts.core.operations.lessOrEqualTo", "fluentasserts.core.operations.lessThan", "fluentasserts.core.operations.registry", "fluentasserts.core.operations.startWith", "fluentasserts.core.operations.throwable", "fluentasserts.core.results", "fluentasserts.core.serializers", "fluentasserts.core.string", "ddmp.diff", "ddmp.match", "ddmp.patch", "ddmp.util", "dparse.ast", "dparse.astprinter", "dparse.entities", "dparse.formatter", "dparse.lexer", "dparse.parser", "dparse.rollback_allocator", "dparse.stack_buffer", "dparse.strings", "dparse.trivia", "std.experimental.lexer", "_d_assert", "std.", "core."];
auto testDiscovery0 = new UnitTestDiscovery;
static if(__traits(hasMember, UnitTestDiscovery, "comments")) { UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/attributes.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the attributes used to add metadata to your tests"),
Comment(10, "This struct is used to mark some test functions"),
Comment(15, ""),
Comment(19, "This specifies when a setup method must be called"),
Comment(24, "Run after the suite ends"),
Comment(27, "Run before each test"),
Comment(30, "Run after each test"),
Comment(34, "Mark a test"),
Comment(39, "Mark a function to be executed before each test"),
Comment(44, "Mark a function to be executed after each test"),
Comment(49, "Mark a function to be executed before the suite starts"),
Comment(54, "Mark a function to be executed after the suite ends")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/coverage.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the logic for parsing and analysing the code coverage"),
Comment(40, "Converts coverage lst files to html"),
Comment(76, "Get the line that contains the coverage summary"),
Comment(88, "It should get the coverage summary from the .lst file with no coverage"),
Comment(97, "It should get the coverage summary from the .lst file with missing data"),
Comment(104, "It should get the coverage summary from the .lst file with percentage"),
Comment(113, "Get the filename from the coverage summary"),
Comment(132, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with no coverage"),
Comment(141, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with no code"),
Comment(149, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with percentage"),
Comment(158, "Get the percentage from the covered summary"),
Comment(177, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with no coverage"),
Comment(186, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with no code"),
Comment(194, "It should get the filename from the .lst file with percentage"),
Comment(203, "The representation of a line from the .lst file"),
Comment(206, ""),
Comment(209, ""),
Comment(212, ""),
Comment(217, ""),
Comment(235, "It should parse an empty line"),
Comment(244, "Parse the file lines"),
Comment(253, "It should convert a .lst file to covered line structs"),
Comment(282, "Structure that represents one .lst file"),
Comment(288, "Is true if the file is from the tested library and false if is an external file"),
Comment(292, "Is true if the file is set to be ignored from the final report"),
Comment(295, "The module name"),
Comment(298, "The covered percent"),
Comment(301, "The file lines with coverage data"),
Comment(305, "Check if a file should be ignored from the report"),
Comment(331, "It should return true for ignored coverage files"),
Comment(348, "It should return false for when the ignore coverage file is missing"),
Comment(366, "Check if a file is in the current path"),
Comment(391, "Check project paths"),
Comment(400, "Converts a .lst file content to a CoveredFile structure"),
Comment(414, "should convert a .lst file to CoveredFile structure"),
Comment(438, "should mark the `trial_.d` file as external file"),
Comment(446, "Generate the html for a line coverage"),
Comment(455, "Render line coverage column"),
Comment(463, "Get the line coverage column for the html report"),
Comment(468, "Cont how many lines were hit"),
Comment(473, "Cont how many lines were hit"),
Comment(478, "Replace an `{variable}` inside a string"),
Comment(483, "It should replace a variable inside a page"),
Comment(488, "wraps some string in a html page"),
Comment(493, "should replace the variables inside the page.html"),
Comment(501, "Create an html progress bar"),
Comment(506, "should replace the variables inside the page.html"),
Comment(512, "Generate the coverage page header"),
Comment(522, "Check variables for the coverage header"),
Comment(538, "Convert a `CoveredFile` struct to html"),
Comment(550, "Check variables for the coverage html"),
Comment(574, "Check if the table body is inserted"),
Comment(579, "Calculate the coverage percent from the current project"),
Comment(600, "No files are always 100% covered"),
Comment(605, "check a 50% covered file"),
Comment(611, "check a 50% external covered file"),
Comment(653, "Ignored files"),
Comment(675, "external files"),
Comment(698, "Create line coverage shield as svg"),
Comment(703, "The line coverage shield should contain the percent")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/code.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing parsing code utilities"),
Comment(24, "Get the module name of a DLang source file"),
Comment(73, ""),
Comment(173, "returns the class name"),
Comment(240, "An iterator that helps to deal with DLang tokens"),
Comment(249, ""),
Comment(267, ""),
Comment(284, ""),
Comment(290, "Skip until a token with a certain text is reached"),
Comment(345, "Skip until a token with a certain type is reached"),
Comment(361, "Skip one token"),
Comment(370, "Concatenate all the tokens until the first token of a certain type that will be ignored"),
Comment(390, "Returns a Dlang class. You must call this method after the class token was read."),
Comment(424, "Returns a Dlang attribute. You must call this method after the @ token was read."),
Comment(479, "Converts a string from camel notation to a readable sentence")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/spec.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the discovery logic for spec tests"),
Comment(27, "Define a Spec test suite"),
Comment(48, "Define a function that will be ran before all the tests"),
Comment(61, "Define a function that will be ran before each test"),
Comment(67, "Define a function that will be ran after each test"),
Comment(73, "Define a function that will be ran after all the tests were ran"),
Comment(110, "Define a Spec"),
Comment(141, "Define a pending Spec"),
Comment(155, "The main spec container"),
Comment(165, "The default test discovery looks for unit test sections and groups them by module"),
Comment(174, "It does nothing..."),
Comment(261, ""),
Comment(274, "resolve the string tokens"),
Comment(377, "getTestCases should find the spec suite"),
Comment(388, "discoverTestCases should find the spec suite"),
Comment(399, "getTestCases should find the spec suite"),
Comment(410, "getTestCases should find nested spec suites"),
Comment(421, "It should execute the spec before all hooks"),
Comment(440, "It should execute the spec after all hooks"),
Comment(459, "It should execute the spec before hooks"),
Comment(478, "It should execute the spec after hooks"),
Comment(497, "discoverTestCases should find the same tests like testCases")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/testclass.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the discovery logic for classes annodated with @Test"),
Comment(23, "A structure that stores data about the setup events(methods)"),
Comment(84, "The default test discovery looks for unit test sections and groups them by module"),
Comment(90, "Returns all the test cases that were found in the modules added with `addModule`"),
Comment(154, "Add tests from a certain module"),
Comment(255, ""),
Comment(284, ""),
Comment(296, ""),
Comment(306, ""),
Comment(331, ""),
Comment(356, ""),
Comment(372, ""),
Comment(387, ""),
Comment(396, ""),
Comment(409, ""),
Comment(423, ""),
Comment(430, ""),
Comment(436, ""),
Comment(442, ""),
Comment(448, ""),
Comment(509, "TestClassDiscovery should find the Test Suite class"),
Comment(525, "discoverTestCases should find the Test Suite class"),
Comment(540, "TestClassDiscovery should execute tests from a Test Suite class"),
Comment(559, "TestClassDiscovery should execute the before and after methods tests from a Test Suite class"),
Comment(628, "Call a method using the right data provders"),
Comment(637, "methodCaller should call the method with random numeric values"),
Comment(683, "methodCaller should call the method with custom random generators"),
Comment(707, "discoverTestCases should find the same tests like testCases")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/unit.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the default test discovery logic"),
Comment(67, "other line"),
Comment(70, "line 3 line 4"),
Comment(72, "other line"),
Comment(76, "line 5 line 6"),
Comment(81, "line 7 line 8 /\";"),
Comment(225, "Remove comment tokens"),
Comment(231, "clearCommentTokens should remove comment tokens"),
Comment(282, "The default test discovery looks for unit test sections and groups them by module"),
Comment(607, "This adds asserts to the module"),
Comment(615, "It should extract the line from the default test name"),
Comment(620, "It should extract the line from the default test name with _d_ in symbol name"),
Comment(630, "It should find this test"),
Comment(643, "It should find this flaky test"),
Comment(660, "It should find the line of this test"),
Comment(678, "It should find this test with issues attributes"),
Comment(695, "The discoverTestCases should find the test with issues attributes"),
Comment(713, "The discoverTestCases should find the test with the flaky attribute"),
Comment(748, "The discoverTestCases should find this test"),
Comment(768, "discoverTestCases should ignore version(unittest)"),
Comment(790, "discoverTestCases should find the same tests like testCases")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/parallel.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the parallel test runner"),
Comment(180, "The parallel executors runs tests in a sepparate thread")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/process.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the process runner"),
Comment(49, "An executor that will run every test in a separate process"),
Comment(53, "A function that should spawn a process that will run the test"),
Comment(61, "Instantiate the executor with a custom process runner"),
Comment(70, "Instantiate the executor with a custom process runner"),
Comment(79, "Run a test case")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/single.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the single threaded runner"),
Comment(18, "The default test executor runs test in sequential order in a single thread"),
Comment(33, "Called when an attachment is ready"),
Comment(43, "Add the step result and update the other listeners on every step"),
Comment(52, "Update the other listeners on every step"),
Comment(60, "It does nothing"),
Comment(66, "Return the result for the last executed suite"),
Comment(99, "Convert a test case to a test result"),
Comment(123, "Execute a test case"),
Comment(158, "Executing a test case that throws a PendingTestException should mark the test result as pending instead of a failure"),
Comment(180, "Executing a test case should set the right begin and end times")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/interfaces.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the interfaces used for extending the test runner"),
Comment(28, "Alias to a Test Case function type"),
Comment(32, "A Listener for the main test events"),
Comment(41, "This method is triggered when you can perform some updates. The frequency varries by the test executor that you choose"),
Comment(44, "This method is trigered when your tests are ended"),
Comment(48, "Convert a Throwable to a json string"),
Comment(65, "convert a Throwable to json"),
Comment(72, "A listener that provides test cases to be executed"),
Comment(78, "A listener that provides test cases contained in a certain file"),
Comment(88, "A Listener that can run tests. During the test execution can be used only one instance of this listance. After all the tests were executed the result of all three methods are concatenated and passed to `ILifecycleListener.end(SuiteResult[])`"),
Comment(94, "Run a particullary test case"),
Comment(97, "Called when there is no more test to be executed"),
Comment(101, "A Listener for the suite events"),
Comment(107, "Called after a suite execution"),
Comment(111, "A Listener for handling attachments"),
Comment(118, "A Listener for the test case events"),
Comment(124, "Called after a test execution"),
Comment(128, "A Listener for the step events"),
Comment(134, "Called after a step ended"),
Comment(138, "A struct representing a label for test results"),
Comment(143, "The label value"),
Comment(146, "Convert the struct to a JSON string"),
Comment(151, ""),
Comment(156, ""),
Comment(164, "Label string representation should be in Json format"),
Comment(169, "create a label from a json object"),
Comment(177, "create a label list from a json array"),
Comment(184, "A struct representing an attachment for test steps"),
Comment(189, "The absolute path to the attachment"),
Comment(192, "The file mime path"),
Comment(196, "The attachement destination. All the attached files will be copied in this folder if it is not allready inside"),
Comment(199, "Add a file to the current test or step"),
Comment(213, "Create an attachment from a string"),
Comment(228, ""),
Comment(239, "Create an attachement from string"),
Comment(248, "Convert an attachement to Json string"),
Comment(255, "Represents a line of code in a certain file."),
Comment(260, ""),
Comment(263, "Converts the structure to a JSON string"),
Comment(270, "SourceLocation string representation should be a JSON string"),
Comment(279, "A test case that will be executed"),
Comment(285, "The test case suite name. It can contain `.` which is treated as a separator for nested suites"),
Comment(288, "The test name"),
Comment(294, "The function that must be executed to check if the test passes or not. In case of failure, an exception is thrown."),
Comment(299, "A list of labels that will be added to the final report"),
Comment(302, "The test location"),
Comment(305, ""),
Comment(318, ""),
Comment(324, ""),
Comment(329, ""),
Comment(349, "TestCase string representation should be a JSON string"),
Comment(361, ""),
Comment(374, "A suite result"),
Comment(380, "The suite name. It can contain `.` which is treated as a separator for nested suites"),
Comment(383, "when the suite started"),
Comment(386, "when the suite ended"),
Comment(389, "the tests executed for the current suite"),
Comment(392, "The list of attached files"),
Comment(395, ""),
Comment(399, ""),
Comment(406, ""),
Comment(412, ""),
Comment(419, ""),
Comment(427, ""),
Comment(436, "Convert the struct to a json string"),
Comment(461, "A step result"),
Comment(467, "When the step started"),
Comment(470, "When the step ended"),
Comment(473, "The list of the child steps"),
Comment(476, "The list of attached files"),
Comment(496, "Convert the result to a json string"),
Comment(502, "Convert a step result to a json"),
Comment(516, "A test result"),
Comment(538, "The file that contains this test"),
Comment(541, "The line where this test starts"),
Comment(544, "Represents the test status"),
Comment(549, "A list of labels that will be added to the final report"),
Comment(555, "The reason why a test has failed. This value must be set only if the tests has the `failure` state"),
Comment(558, "Convenience constructor that sets the test name"),
Comment(565, "Convert the result to a json string"),
Comment(580, "Attribute that marks the test as flaky. Different reporters will interpret this information in different ways."),
Comment(583, "Returns the labels that set the test a flaky"),
Comment(590, "Attribute that links an issue to a test. Some test reporters can display links, so the value can be also a link."),
Comment(595, "Returns the labels that set the issue label"),
Comment(601, "Attribute that sets the feaure label"),
Comment(605, "Returns the labels that set the feature label"),
Comment(611, "Attribute that sets the story label"),
Comment(615, "Returns the labels that set the feature label"),
Comment(621, "Attach the readme file"),
Comment(628, "An exception that should be thrown by the pending test cases"),
Comment(631, ""),
Comment(639, "The lifecycle listeners collections. You must use this instance in order to extend the runner. You can have as many listeners as you want. The only restriction is for ITestExecutor, which has no sense to have more than one instance for a run"),
Comment(642, "The global instange."),
Comment(665, "True if the tests are being executed"),
Comment(671, ""),
Comment(676, "Add a listener to the collection"),
Comment(715, "Send the attachment to all listeners"),
Comment(720, "Send the update event to all listeners"),
Comment(725, "Send the begin run event to all listeners"),
Comment(730, "Send the end runer event to all listeners"),
Comment(735, "Send the begin suite event to all listeners"),
Comment(740, "Send the end suite event to all listeners"),
Comment(745, "Send the begin test event to all listeners"),
Comment(751, "Send the end test event to all listeners"),
Comment(757, "Send the begin step event to all listeners"),
Comment(763, "Send the end step event to all listeners"),
Comment(769, "Send the execute test to the executor listener"),
Comment(776, "Send the begin execution with the test case list to the executor listener"),
Comment(782, "Send the end execution the executor listener")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/allure.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the AllureReporter"),
Comment(37, "The Allure reporter creates a xml containing the test results, the steps and the attachments."),
Comment(75, "The suite id"),
Comment(78, "The allure version"),
Comment(91, "Converts the suiteResult to a xml string"),
Comment(187, "AllureSuiteXml should add the attachments"),
Comment(230, ""),
Comment(243, "Converts a test result to allure status"),
Comment(263, "Return the string representation of the test"),
Comment(352, "AllureTestXml should transform a test with steps"),
Comment(385, "AllureTestXml should transform a test with labels"),
Comment(407, "AllureTestXml should add the attachments"),
Comment(458, "Return the string representation of the step"),
Comment(483, "AllureStepXml should transform a step"),
Comment(500, "AllureStepXml should transform nested steps"),
Comment(532, "AllureStepXml should add the attachments"),
Comment(568, "Allure representation of an atachment. It will copy the file to the allure folder with an unique name"),
Comment(582, "Init the struct and copy the atachment to the allure folder"),
Comment(604, "convert the attachment to string"),
Comment(612, "Allure attachments should be copied to a folder containing the suite name"),
Comment(629, "Allure attachments should avoid name collisions")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/dotmatrix.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the DotMatrixReporter"),
Comment(23, ""),
Comment(31, ""),
Comment(38, "The dot matrix reporter is simply a series of characters which represent test cases. Failures highlight in red exclamation marks (!). Good if you prefer minimal output.")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/html.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the HtmlReporter"),
Comment(22, "The \"html\" reporter outputs a hierarchical HTML body representation of your tests.")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/landing.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the LandingReporter"),
Comment(23, ""),
Comment(30, ""),
Comment(35, "The Landing Strip (landing) reporter is a gimmicky test reporter simulating a plane landing unicode ftw")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/list.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the ListReporter"),
Comment(26, "The list reporter outputs a simple specifications list as test cases pass or fail")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/progress.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the ProgressReporter"),
Comment(23, ""),
Comment(34, ""),
Comment(39, "The “progress” reporter implements a simple progress-bar")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/result.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the ResultReporter"),
Comment(27, "A structure containing the glyphs used for the result reporter"),
Comment(38, ""),
Comment(45, "The \"Result\" reporter will print an overview of your test run")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/spec.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the SpecReporter"),
Comment(24, "A structure containing the glyphs used for the spec reporter"),
Comment(37, ""),
Comment(42, "This is the default reporter. The \"spec\" reporter outputs a hierarchical view nested just as the test cases are."),
Comment(325, "it should print the test duration")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specprogress.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the SpecProgressReporter"),
Comment(23, "A flavour of the \"spec\" reporter that show the progress of long tests. This works well with the parallel runner. If you are using the stats reporters, you will see a countdown for how long you need to wait until the test is finished.")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specsteps.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the SpecStepsReporter"),
Comment(21, "A structure containing the glyphs used for the spec steps reporter"),
Comment(27, ""),
Comment(30, ""),
Comment(36, ""),
Comment(39, ""),
Comment(44, ""),
Comment(49, "A flavour of the \"spec\" reporter that show the tests and the steps of your tests.")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/stats.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the StatsReporter"),
Comment(23, ""),
Comment(38, ""),
Comment(58, "The stats reporter creates a csv file with the duration and the result of all your steps and tests. It's usefull to use it with other reporters, like spec progress."),
Comment(157, "It should write the stats to the expected path")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/tap.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the TAP13 reporter"),
Comment(25, "This reporter will print the results using thr Test anything protocol version 13"),
Comment(32, ""),
Comment(38, ""),
Comment(44, ""),
Comment(50, ""),
Comment(53, ""),
Comment(56, ""),
Comment(61, ""),
Comment(117, "it should print \"The Plan\" at the beginning"),
Comment(126, "it should print a sucess test"),
Comment(140, "it should print a failing test with a basic throwable"),
Comment(161, "it should not print the YAML if the throwable is missing"),
Comment(175, "it should print the results of a TestException")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/visualtrial.d"] = [Comment(3, "A module containing the Visual Trial reporter used to send data to the Visual Studio Code plugin"),
Comment(40, "This reporter will print the results using thr Test anything protocol version 13"),
Comment(47, ""),
Comment(53, ""),
Comment(59, ""),
Comment(65, ""),
Comment(68, ""),
Comment(71, ""),
Comment(86, ""),
Comment(110, "it should print \"The Plan\" at the beginning"),
Comment(119, "it should print the test location"),
Comment(141, "it should print a sucess test"),
Comment(157, "it should print a failing test with a basic throwable"),
Comment(177, "it should not print the YAML if the throwable is missing"),
Comment(191, "it should print the results of a TestException"),
Comment(218, "Parse the output from the visual trial reporter"),
Comment(234, "add a line to the parser"),
Comment(334, "Parse a successful test"),
Comment(369, "Parse a failing test"),
Comment(391, "Raise an event when the test is ended"),
Comment(409, "It should not replace a test result that was already assigned"),
Comment(422, "It should raise an event with unparsed lines")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/writer.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing utilities for presenting information to the user"),
Comment(15, "The default writer is initialized at the test run initialization with the right class, depending on the hosts capabilities."),
Comment(18, "The writer interface is used to present information to the user."),
Comment(23, "The information type. Convey meaning through color with a handful of emphasis utility classes."),
Comment(29, "Less important information"),
Comment(32, ""),
Comment(35, "Something that the user should notice"),
Comment(38, "Something that the user should be aware of"),
Comment(41, "Something that the user must notice"),
Comment(44, ""),
Comment(48, "Go back a few lines"),
Comment(51, "Write a string"),
Comment(54, "Write a string with reversed colors"),
Comment(57, "Write a string and go to a new line"),
Comment(60, "Show the cursor from user"),
Comment(63, "Hide the cursor from user"),
Comment(66, "Get how many characters you can print on a line"),
Comment(72, "The console writer outputs data to the standard output. It does not support colors and cursor moving. This is the default writer if arsd.terminal is not present."),
Comment(76, "not supported"),
Comment(81, ""),
Comment(87, ""),
Comment(93, ""),
Comment(99, "not supported"),
Comment(104, "not supported"),
Comment(109, "returns 80"),
Comment(145, "This writer uses arsd.terminal and it's used if you add this dependency to your project It supports all the features and you should use it if you want to get the best experience from this project"),
Comment(254, "Go up `y` lines"),
Comment(265, "writes a string"),
Comment(278, "writes a string with reversed colors"),
Comment(290, "writes a string and go to a new line"),
Comment(296, "show the terminal cursor"),
Comment(302, "hide the terminal cursor"),
Comment(308, "returns the terminal width"),
Comment(317, "You can use this writer if you don't want to keep the data in memmory It's useful for unit testing. It supports line navigation, with no color The context info might be added in the future, once a good format is found."),
Comment(321, "The buffer used to write the data"),
Comment(333, "go uo y lines"),
Comment(340, "returns 80"),
Comment(346, ""),
Comment(384, ""),
Comment(390, ""),
Comment(396, "does nothing"),
Comment(401, "does nothing")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/xunit.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing the XUnitReporter"),
Comment(36, "The XUnit reporter creates a xml containing the test results"),
Comment(75, "The suite id"),
Comment(78, "Converts the suiteResult to a xml string"),
Comment(109, "XUnitTestXml should transform a suite with a success test"),
Comment(133, "XUnitTestXml should transform a suite with a failed test"),
Comment(158, "XUnitTestXml should transform a suite with a skipped test"),
Comment(184, "XUnitTestXml should transform a suite with a unknown test"),
Comment(209, "XUnitTestXml should transform an empty suite"),
Comment(227, ""),
Comment(230, "Return the string representation of the test"),
Comment(255, "XUnitTestXml should transform a success test"),
Comment(270, "XUnitTestXml should transform a failing test")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/runner.d"] = [Comment(3, "The main runner logic. You can find here some LifeCycle logic and test runner initalization"),
Comment(35, "setup the LifeCycle collection"),
Comment(75, "Adds an embeded reporter listener to the LifeCycle listeners collection"),
Comment(159, "Returns an associative array of the detected tests, where the key is the suite name and the value is the TestCase"),
Comment(165, "Returns an associative array of the detected tests, where the key is the suite name and the value is the TestCase"),
Comment(176, ""),
Comment(238, "convert an assoc array to JSON hierarchy"),
Comment(271, "it should have an empty key for items that contain both values and childs"),
Comment(301, "describeTests should return the tests cases serialised in json format"),
Comment(317, "Runs the tests and returns the results"),
Comment(345, "Check if a suite result list is a success"),
Comment(356, "It should return true for an empty result"),
Comment(361, "It should return true if all the tests succeded"),
Comment(370, "It should return false if one the tests failed"),
Comment(379, "It should return the name of this test"),
Comment(392, "backtrace")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/settings.d"] = [Comment(2, "Settings parser and structures"),
Comment(22, ""),
Comment(28, "bool colors; bool sort; bool bail;"),
Comment(41, "The reporter list that will be added by the runner at startup You can use here only the embeded reporters. If you want to use a custom reporter you can use `static this` constructor Examples: ------------------------ static this { LifeCycleListeners.instance.add(myCustomReporter); } ------------------------"),
Comment(44, "The test discovery classes that you want to use"),
Comment(48, "The number of threads tha you want to use `0` means the number of cores that your processor has"),
Comment(51, ""),
Comment(54, "Where to generate artifacts"),
Comment(57, "Show the duration with yellow if it takes more `warningTestDuration` msecs"),
Comment(60, "Show the duration with red if it takes more `dangerTestDuration` msecs"),
Comment(68, "A list of plugins that will be added as dependencies from The plugins will be imported in the main file. For `trial-my-plugin` the import will be `import trialmyplugin.plugin`. You will be able to create a module constructor that will add all your needed lifecycle listeners."),
Comment(73, "The default executor is `SingleRunner`. If you want to use the `ParallelExecutor` set this option to `parallel` or if you want to use the `ProcessExecutor` set it to `process`."),
Comment(77, "A structure representing the `trial.json` file"),
Comment(94, ""),
Comment(97, ""),
Comment(100, ""),
Comment(103, ""),
Comment(106, ""),
Comment(110, "The gliph settings"),
Comment(121, "Converts the settings object to DLang code. It's used by the generator"),
Comment(139, "Converts the GlyphSettings object to DLang code. It's used by the generator"),
Comment(158, "it should be able to compile the settings code"),
Comment(163, "it should be able to transform the Settings to code")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/stackresult.d"] = [Comment(2, "A module containing custom exceptions for display convenience"),
Comment(31, ""),
Comment(38, ""),
Comment(48, ""),
Comment(55, ""),
Comment(61, "The message of a wrapped exception should contain the original exception"),
Comment(69, "Converts a Throwable to a TestException which improves the failure verbosity"),
Comment(118, "A structure that allows you to detect which modules are relevant to display"),
Comment(122, "The list of external modules like the standard library or dub dependencies"),
Comment(125, "Check if the provided name comes from an external dependency"),
Comment(189, "Used to display the stack"),
Comment(198, ""),
Comment(201, ""),
Comment(236, "Prints the stack using the default writer"),
Comment(263, "The stack result should display the stack in a readable form"),
Comment(284, "Used to display the stack"),
Comment(293, ""),
Comment(296, ""),
Comment(333, "Represents a stack frame"),
Comment(339, ""),
Comment(342, ""),
Comment(345, ""),
Comment(348, ""),
Comment(351, ""),
Comment(354, ""),
Comment(357, ""),
Comment(360, ""),
Comment(439, "The frame should convert a frame to string"),
Comment(447, "The frame should not output an index < 0 or a line < 0"),
Comment(455, "The frame should not output the file if it is missing from the stack"),
Comment(463, "The frame should not output the module if it is missing from the stack"),
Comment(471, "The frame should not output the offset if it is missing from the stack"),
Comment(479, "The frame should display `????` when the name is missing"),
Comment(518, "The frame should print all fields"),
Comment(529, "The frame should not print an index < 0 or a line < 0"),
Comment(540, "The frame should not print the file if it's missing"),
Comment(551, "The frame should not print the module if it's missing"),
Comment(562, "The frame should not print the offset if it's missing"),
Comment(573, "The frame should print ???? when the name is missing"),
Comment(595, "Parse a MacOS string frame"),
Comment(619, "Parse a Windows string frame"),
Comment(641, "ditto"),
Comment(660, "Parse a GLibC string frame"),
Comment(688, "Parse a NetBsd string frame"),
Comment(709, "Parse a Linux frame"),
Comment(729, "Parse a Linux frame"),
Comment(747, "Converts a stack trace line to a Frame structure"),
Comment(854, "Get the main frame info from linux format"),
Comment(870, "Get a function frame info from linux format"),
Comment(885, "Get an external function frame info from linux format"),
Comment(900, "Get an external function frame info from linux format"),
Comment(915, "Get an internal function frame info from linux format"),
Comment(930, "Get an missing info function frame info from linux format")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/step.d"] = [Comment(3, "When you run complex tests, or tests that take a lot of time, it helps to mark certain areas as steps, to ease the debug or to improve the report."),
Comment(45, "A step structure. Creating a Step will automatically be added to the current step as a child The steps can be nested to allow you to group steps as with meanigful names. The steps ends when the Struct is destroyed. In order to have a step that represents a method assign it to a local variable Examples: ------------------------ void TestSetup() @system { auto aStep = Step(\"Given some precondition\"); Step(\"Some setup\"); performSomeSetup(); Step(\"Other setup\"); performOtherSetup(); } // will create this tree: // Test // | // +- Given some precondition // | // +- Some setup // +- Other setup ------------------------"),
Comment(62, "Create and attach a step"),
Comment(77, "Mark the test as finished")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/terminal.d"] = [Comment(2, "Ignore coverage Module for interacting with the user's terminal, including color output, cursor manipulation, and full-featured real-time mouse and keyboard input. Also includes high-level convenience methods, like [Terminal.getline], which gives the user a line editor with history, completion, etc. See the [#examples]."),
Comment(72, "Widgets: tab widget scrollback buffer partitioned canvas"),
Comment(74, "FIXME: ctrl+d eof on stdin"),
Comment(76, "FIXME:"),
Comment(121, "parts of this were taken from Robik's ConsoleD"),
Comment(125, "Uncomment this line to get a main() to demonstrate this module's capabilities. version = Demo"),
Comment(166, "I'm taking this from the minimal termcap from my Slackware box (which I use as my /etc/termcap) and just taking the most commonly used ones (for me anyway)."),
Comment(168, "this way we'll have some definitions for 99% of typical PC cases even without any help from the local operating system"),
Comment(317, "Defines the list of standard colors understood by Terminal."),
Comment(335, "When capturing input, what events are you interested in? Note: these flags can be OR'd together to select more than one option at a time. Ctrl+C and other keyboard input is always captured, though it may be line buffered if you don't use raw. The rationale for that is to ensure the Terminal destructor has a chance to run, since the terminal is a shared resource and should be put back before the program terminates."),
Comment(349, "Defines how terminal output should be handled."),
Comment(358, "Some methods will try not to send unnecessary commands to the screen. You can override their judgement using a ForceOption parameter, if present"),
Comment(365, "we could do it with termcap too, getenv(\"TERMCAP\") then split on : and replace \\E with \\033 and get the pieces"),
Comment(370, "Encapsulates the I/O capabilities of a terminal. Warning: do not write out escape sequences to the terminal. This won't work on Windows and will confuse Terminal's internal state on Posix."),
Comment(398, "This is a filthy hack because and OS X are garbage who don't work the way they're advertised. I just have to best-guess hack and hope it doesn't break anything else. (If you know a better way, let me know!)"),
Comment(533, "Looks up a termcap item and tries to execute it. Returns false on failure"),
Comment(679, "Constructs an instance of Terminal representing the capabilities of the current terminal. While it is possible to override the stdin+stdout file descriptors, remember that is not portable across platforms and be sure you know what you're doing. ditto on getSizeOverride. That's there so you can do something instead of ioctl."),
Comment(723, ""),
Comment(730, "CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO sbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &sbi); size.X = cast(short) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN); size.Y = cast(short) GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN);"),
Comment(735, "FIXME: this sucks, maybe i should just revert it. but there shouldn't be scrollbars in cellular mode size.X = 80; size.Y = 24; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, size);"),
Comment(745, "only use this if you are sure you know what you want, since the terminal is a shared resource you generally really want to reset it to normal when you leave..."),
Comment(784, "lazily initialized and preserved between calls to getline for a bit of efficiency (only a bit) and some history storage."),
Comment(794, "Attempts to set color according to a 24 bit value (r, g, b, each >= 0 and < 256)."),
Comment(832, "fallback to 16 color for term that i know don't take it well"),
Comment(849, "otherwise, assume it is probably supported and give it a try"),
Comment(859, "Changes the current color. See enum Color for the values."),
Comment(867, "foreground ^= LowContrast; background ^= LowContrast;"),
Comment(872, "this isn't necessarily right but meh"),
Comment(906, "if(getenv(\"ELVISBG\") == \"dark\") { LowContrast on dark bg menas } else { foreground ^= LowContrast; background ^= LowContrast; }"),
Comment(936, "Note: the Windows console does not support underlining"),
Comment(950, "Returns the terminal to normal output colors"),
Comment(965, "FIXME: add moveRelative"),
Comment(967, "The current x position of the output cursor. 0 == leftmost column"),
Comment(972, "The current y position of the output cursor. 0 == topmost row"),
Comment(980, "Moves the output cursor to the given position. (0, 0) is the upper left corner of the screen. The force parameter can be used to force an update, even if Terminal doesn't think it is necessary"),
Comment(998, "shows the cursor"),
Comment(1010, "hides the cursor"),
Comment(1047, "explicitly not publicly documented Shows the cursor if it was automatically hidden by autoHideCursor and resets the internal auto hide state."),
Comment(1064, "alas this doesn't work due to a bunch of delegate context pointer and postblit problems instead of using: auto input = terminal.captureInput(flags) use: auto input = RealTimeConsoleInput(&terminal, flags); Gets real time input, disabling line buffering RealTimeConsoleInput captureInput(ConsoleInputFlags flags) { return RealTimeConsoleInput(&this, flags); }"),
Comment(1066, "Changes the terminal's title"),
Comment(1078, "Flushes your updates to the terminal. It is important to call this when you are finished writing for now if you are using the version=with_eventloop"),
Comment(1140, "The current width of the terminal (the number of columns)"),
Comment(1147, "The current height of the terminal (the number of rows)"),
Comment(1160, "void write(T...)(T t) { foreach(arg; t) { writeStringRaw(to!string(arg)); } }"),
Comment(1162, "Writes to the terminal at the current cursor position."),
Comment(1168, "ditto"),
Comment(1173, "ditto"),
Comment(1184, "ditto"),
Comment(1195, "A combined moveTo and writef that puts the cursor back where it was before when it finishes the write. Only works in cellular mode. Might give better performance than moveTo/writef because if the data to write matches the internal buffer, it skips sending anything (to override the buffer check, you can use moveTo and writePrintableString with ForceOption.alwaysSend) void writefAt(T...)(int x, int y, string f, T t) { import std.string; auto toWrite = format(f, t);"),
Comment(1215, "tracking cursor position"),
Comment(1247, "auto index = getIndex(_cursorX, _cursorY); if(data[index] != ch) { data[index] = ch; }"),
Comment(1253, "private"),
Comment(1259, "you really, really shouldn't use this unless you know what you are doing"),
Comment(1267, "private"),
Comment(1269, "Clears the screen."),
Comment(1294, "gets a line, including user editing. Convenience method around the LineGetter class and RealTimeConsoleInput facilities - use them if you need more control. You really shouldn't call this if stdin isn't actually a user-interactive terminal! So if you expect people to pipe data to your app, check for that or use something else. FIXME: add a method to make it easy to check if stdin is actually a tty and use other methods there."),
Comment(1312, "lineGetter leaves us exactly where it was when the user hit enter, giving best flexibility to real-time input and cellular programs. The convenience function, however, wants to do what is right in most the simple cases, which is to actually print the line (echo would be enabled without RealTimeConsoleInput anyway and they did hit enter), so we'll do that here too."),
Comment(1326, "struct ConsoleBuffer { int cursorX; int cursorY; int width; int height; dchar[] data;"),
Comment(1346, "Encapsulates the stream of input events received from the terminal input."),
Comment(1374, "To capture input, you need to provide a terminal and some flags."),
Comment(1386, "if(flags & ConsoleInputFlags.size)"),
Comment(1406, "FIXME: change to UTF8 as well"),
Comment(1426, "some weird bug breaks this, destructor ~= { tcsetattr(fdIn, TCSANOW, &old); };"),
Comment(1461, "FIXME: try to get maximum capabilities from all terminals right now this works well on xterm but rxvt isn't sending movements..."),
Comment(1486, "try to ensure the terminal is in UTF-8 mode"),
Comment(1553, "we're just undoing everything the constructor did, in reverse order, same criteria"),
Comment(1559, "Returns true if there iff getch() would not block."),
Comment(1576, "Check for input, waiting no longer than the number of milliseconds"),
Comment(1610, "private"),
Comment(1617, "Get one key press from the terminal, discarding other events in the process. Returns dchar.init upon receiving end-of-file. Be aware that this may return non-character key events, like F1, F2, arrow keys, etc., as private use Unicode characters. Check them against KeyboardEvent.Key if you like."),
Comment(1646, "char[128] inputBuffer; int inputBufferPosition;"),
Comment(1669, "terminal.writef(\"RAW READ: %d\\n\", buf[0]);"),
Comment(1688, "see the utf-8 encoding for details"),
Comment(1720, "character event non-character key event paste event mouse event size event maybe, and if appropriate focus events"),
Comment(1726, "Returns the next event. Experimental: It is also possible to integrate this into a generic event loop, currently under -version=with_eventloop and it will require the module arsd.eventloop (Linux only at this point)"),
Comment(1809, "only send released events when specifically requested"),
Comment(1822, "old style event then follows as the fallback"),
Comment(1829, "new style event. See comment on KeyboardEvent.Key"),
Comment(1833, "FIXME: make this better. the goal is to make sure the key code is a valid enum member Windows sends more keys than Unix and we're doing lowest common denominator here"),
Comment(1859, "this is sent on state change. if fewer buttons are pressed, it must mean released"),
Comment(1908, "we want to starve the read, especially if we're called from an edge-triggered epoll (which might happen in version=with_eventloop.. impl detail there subject to change)."),
Comment(1914, "lol this calls select() inside a function prolly called from epoll but meh, it is the simplest thing that can possibly work. The alternative would be doing non-blocking reads and buffering in the nextRaw function (not a bad idea btw, just a bit more of a hassle)."),
Comment(1926, "The helper reads just one actual event from the pipe..."),
Comment(1966, "this assumes you just read \"\\033[\""),
Comment(2107, "note: buttonNumber == 0 means button 1 at this point"),
Comment(2111, "apparently this considers middle to be button 2. but i want middle to be button 3."),
Comment(2131, "ugh, if no buttons are pressed, released and moved are indistinguishable... so we'll count the buttons down, and if we get a release"),
Comment(2189, "this is an extension in my own terminal emulator"),
Comment(2293, "The new style of keyboard event"),
Comment(2299, ""),
Comment(2307, "these match Windows virtual key codes numerically for simplicity of translation there but are plus a unicode private use area offset so i can cram them in the dchar ."),
Comment(2338, "Deprecated: use KeyboardEvent instead in new programs Input event for characters"),
Comment(2351, "Deprecated: use KeyboardEvent instead in new programs"),
Comment(2362, "these match Windows virtual key codes numerically for simplicity of translation there ."),
Comment(2394, "."),
Comment(2399, "."),
Comment(2413, "note: these should numerically match simpledisplay.d for maximum beauty in my other code ."),
Comment(2428, "When you get this, check terminal.width and terminal.height to see the new size and react accordingly."),
Comment(2437, "the user hitting ctrl+c will send this You should drop what you're doing and perhaps exit when this happens."),
Comment(2441, "If the user hangs up (for example, closes the terminal emulator without exiting the app), this is sent. If you receive it, you should generally cleanly exit."),
Comment(2444, "Sent upon receiving end-of-file from stdin."),
Comment(2454, "i'm not sure if the next two are available"),
Comment(2457, "FIXME: I don't think these are actually available"),
Comment(2461, "I don't think this is available on Linux...."),
Comment(2488, "[RealTimeConsoleInput.nextEvent] returns one of these. Check the type, then use the [InputEvent.get|get] method to get the more detailed information about the event."),
Comment(2504, "."),
Comment(2510, "Returns a pointer to the terminal associated with this event. (You can usually just ignore this as there's only one terminal typically.) It may be null in the case of program-generated events;"),
Comment(2514, "Gets the specific event instance. First, check the type (such as in a `switch` statement), then extract the correct one from here. Note that the template argument is a $(B value type of the enum above), not a type argument. So to use it, do $(D event.get!(InputEvent.Type.KeyboardEvent)), for example."),
Comment(2552, "custom event is public because otherwise there's no point at all"),
Comment(2616, "FIXME: support lines that wrap FIXME: better controls maybe"),
Comment(2648, "A note on the assumeSafeAppends in here: since these buffers are private, we can be pretty sure that stomping isn't an issue, so I'm using this liberally to keep the append/realloc code simple and hopefully reasonably fast."),
Comment(2650, "saved to file"),
Comment(2653, "not saved"),
Comment(2662, "Make sure that the parent terminal struct remains in scope for the duration of LineGetter's lifetime, as it does hold on to and use the passed pointer throughout. historyFilename will load and save an input history log to a particular folder. Leaving it null will mean no file will be used and history will not be saved across sessions."),
Comment(2678, "Call this before letting LineGetter die so it can do any necessary cleanup and save the updated history to a file."),
Comment(2686, "Override this to change the directory where history files are stored Default is $HOME/.arsd-getline on linux and %APPDATA%/arsd-getline/ on Windows."),
Comment(2702, "virtual"),
Comment(2705, "You can customize the colors here. You should set these after construction, but before calling startGettingLine or getline."),
Comment(2711, "Set this if you want a prompt to be drawn with the line. It does NOT support color in string."),
Comment(2717, "Turn on auto suggest if you want a greyed thing of what tab would be able to fill in as you type. You might want to turn it off if generating a completion list is slow."),
Comment(2722, "Override this if you don't want all lines added to the history. You can return null to not add it at all, or you can transform it."),
Comment(2725, "virtual"),
Comment(2727, "You may override this to do nothing"),
Comment(2737, "virtual"),
Comment(2745, "You may override this to do nothing"),
Comment(2753, "virtual"),
Comment(2761, "Override this to provide tab completion. You may use the candidate argument to filter the list, but you don't have to (LineGetter will do it for you on the values you return)."),
Comment(2770, "virtual"),
Comment(2788, "Override this to provide a custom display of the tab completion list"),
Comment(2794, "FIXME: scroll if(terminal.type == ConsoleOutputType.linear) {"),
Comment(2813, "One-call shop for the main workhorse If you already have a RealTimeConsoleInput ready to go, you should pass a pointer to yours here. Otherwise, LineGetter will make its own."),
Comment(2876, "used for redrawing the line in the right place and detecting mouse events on our line."),
Comment(2880, "private string[] cachedCompletionList;"),
Comment(2885, "FIXME /// Note that this assumes the tab complete list won't change between actual /// presses of tab by the user. If you pass it a list, it will use it, but /// otherwise it will keep track of the last one to avoid calls to tabComplete."),
Comment(2908, "Adds a character at the current position in the line. You can call this too if you hook events for hotkeys or something. You'll probably want to call redraw() after adding chars."),
Comment(2928, "."),
Comment(2937, "Deletes the character at the current position in the line. You'll probably want to call redraw() after deleting chars."),
Comment(2947, ""),
Comment(2990, "FIXME: graphemes and utf-8 on suggestion/prompt"),
Comment(3004, "Starts getting a new line. Call workOnLine and finishGettingLine afterward. Make sure that you've flushed your input and output before calling this function or else you might lose events or get exceptions from this."),
Comment(3026, "then get the current cursor position to start fresh"),
Comment(3036, "we have to turn off cooked mode to get this answer, otherwise it will all be messed up. (I hate unix terminals, the Windows way is so much easer.)"),
Comment(3039, "We also can't use RealTimeConsoleInput here because it also does event loop stuff which would be broken by the child destructor :( (maybe that should be a FIXME)"),
Comment(3078, "updating these too because I can with the more accurate info from above"),
Comment(3089, "for integrating into another event loop you can pass individual events to this and the line getter will work on it returns false when there's nothing more to do"),
Comment(3112, "Insert the character (unless it is backspace, tab, or some other control char)"),
Comment(3143, "fill it in with as much commonality as there is amongst all the suggestions"),
Comment(3244, "Clicking with the mouse to move the cursor is so much easier than arrowing or even emacs/vi style movements much of the time, so I'ma support it."),
Comment(3263, "We'll adjust the bounding box. If you don't like this, handle SizeChangedEvent yourself and then don't pass it to this function."),
Comment(3264, "FIXME"),
Comment(3270, "I'll take this as canceling the line."),
Comment(3274, "I'll take this as canceling the line."),
Comment(3276, "ignore. ideally it wouldn't be passed to us anyway!"),
Comment(3288, "FIXME: we should hide the cursor if it was hidden in the call to startGettingLine"),
Comment(3293, "Adds default constructors that just forward to the superclass"),
Comment(3301, "This is a line getter that customizes the tab completion to fill in file names separated by spaces, like a command line thing."),
Comment(3306, "You can set this property to tell it where to search for the files to complete."),
Comment(3341, "Like getting a line, printing a lot of lines is kinda important too, so I'm including that widget here too."),
Comment(3423, "this needs width and height to know how to word wrap it"),
Comment(3444, "16 color ctor"),
Comment(3453, "true color ctor"),
Comment(3473, "FIXME: limit scrollback lines.length"),
Comment(3505, "if(lineCount > height)"),
Comment(3526, "We need to figure out how much is going to fit in a first pass, so we can figure out where to start drawing"),
Comment(3541, "this is private so I know we can safe append"),
Comment(3545, "FIXME: should prolly handle \\n and \\r in here too."),
Comment(3550, "we'll work backwards to figure out how much will fit... this will give accurate per-line things even with changing width and wrapping while being generally efficient - we usually want to show the end of the list anyway; actually using the scrollback is a bit of an exceptional case."),
Comment(3553, "It could probably do this instead of on each redraw, on each resize or insertion. or at least cache between redraws until one of those invalidates it."),
Comment(3602, "second pass: actually draw it"),
Comment(3697, "Default event handling for this widget. Call this only after drawing it into a rectangle and only if the event ought to be dispatched to it (which you determine however you want; you could dispatch all events to it, or perhaps filter some out too) Returns true if it should be redrawn"),
Comment(3785, ""),
Comment(3787, "more efficient scrolling"),
Comment(3864, "The Xterm palette progression is: [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255]"),
Comment(3876, "Here, I will round off to the color ramp or the greyscale. I will NOT use the bottom 16 colors because there's duplicates (or very close enough) to them in here"),
Comment(3890, "there's greys in the color ramp too, but these are all close enough as-is, no need to complicate algorithm for approximation anyway"),
Comment(3895, "if it isn't grey, it is color"),
Comment(3898, "the ramp goes blue, green, red, with 6 of each, so just multiplying will give something good enough"),
Comment(3900, "will give something between 0 and 5, with some rounding"),
Comment(3909, "Represents a 24-bit color."),
Comment(3930, "This is an approximation too for a few entries, but a very close one.")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/parallel.d"] = [Comment(120, "@(\"it should run the tests in parallel\") unittest { TestCase[] tests = [ TestCase(\"suite2\", \"test1\", &stepMock1), TestCase(\"suite2\", \"test3\", &stepMock1), TestCase(\"suite2\", \"test2\", &stepMock1) ];")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/process.d"] = [Comment(53, "it(\"should return a suite result for a test case\", { auto testCase = const TestCase(\"Some.Suite\", \"test name\", &pendingTest, []); auto begin = Clock.currTime;"),
Comment(57, "executor.execute(testCase); auto result = executor.endExecution; result.length.should.equal(1);"),
Comment(63, "result[0]; result[0]; result[0].name.should.equal(\"Some.Suite\"); result[0].tests.length.should.equal(1); });"),
Comment(85, "it(\"should return a suite result for two test cases with the same suite\", { auto testCase1 = const TestCase(\"Some.Suite\", \"test name 1\", &pendingTest, []); auto testCase2 = const TestCase(\"Some.Suite\", \"test name 2\", &pendingTest, []); auto begin = Clock.currTime;"),
Comment(88, "auto result = executor.execute(testCase1); result.length.should.equal(0);"),
Comment(91, "result = executor.execute(testCase2); result.length.should.equal(0);"),
Comment(94, "result = executor.endExecution; result.length.should.equal(1);"),
Comment(102, "result[0]; result[0]; result[0].name.should.equal(\"Some.Suite\"); result[0].tests.length.should.equal(2); result[0].tests[0].name.should.equal(\"test name 1\"); result[0].tests[1].name.should.equal(\"test name 2\"); });")];
UnitTestDiscovery.comments["/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/interfaces.d"] = [Comment(45, "Convert a test case to test result")];
} testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/attributes.d`, `trial.attributes`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/coverage.d`, `trial.coverage`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/code.d`, `trial.discovery.code`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/spec.d`, `trial.discovery.spec`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/testclass.d`, `trial.discovery.testclass`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/unit.d`, `trial.discovery.unit`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/parallel.d`, `trial.executor.parallel`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/process.d`, `trial.executor.process`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/single.d`, `trial.executor.single`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/interfaces.d`, `trial.interfaces`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/allure.d`, `trial.reporters.allure`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/dotmatrix.d`, `trial.reporters.dotmatrix`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/html.d`, `trial.reporters.html`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/landing.d`, `trial.reporters.landing`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/list.d`, `trial.reporters.list`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/progress.d`, `trial.reporters.progress`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/result.d`, `trial.reporters.result`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/spec.d`, `trial.reporters.spec`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specprogress.d`, `trial.reporters.specprogress`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specsteps.d`, `trial.reporters.specsteps`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/stats.d`, `trial.reporters.stats`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/tap.d`, `trial.reporters.tap`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/visualtrial.d`, `trial.reporters.visualtrial`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/writer.d`, `trial.reporters.writer`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/xunit.d`, `trial.reporters.xunit`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/runner.d`, `trial.runner`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/settings.d`, `trial.settings`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/stackresult.d`, `trial.stackresult`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/step.d`, `trial.step`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/terminal.d`, `trial.terminal`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/parallel.d`, `tests.trial.executors.parallel`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/process.d`, `tests.trial.executors.process`);
testDiscovery0.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/interfaces.d`, `tests.trial.interfaces`);
auto testDiscovery1 = new SpecTestDiscovery;
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/attributes.d`, `trial.attributes`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/coverage.d`, `trial.coverage`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/code.d`, `trial.discovery.code`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/spec.d`, `trial.discovery.spec`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/testclass.d`, `trial.discovery.testclass`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/unit.d`, `trial.discovery.unit`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/parallel.d`, `trial.executor.parallel`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/process.d`, `trial.executor.process`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/single.d`, `trial.executor.single`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/interfaces.d`, `trial.interfaces`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/allure.d`, `trial.reporters.allure`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/dotmatrix.d`, `trial.reporters.dotmatrix`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/html.d`, `trial.reporters.html`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/landing.d`, `trial.reporters.landing`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/list.d`, `trial.reporters.list`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/progress.d`, `trial.reporters.progress`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/result.d`, `trial.reporters.result`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/spec.d`, `trial.reporters.spec`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specprogress.d`, `trial.reporters.specprogress`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specsteps.d`, `trial.reporters.specsteps`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/stats.d`, `trial.reporters.stats`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/tap.d`, `trial.reporters.tap`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/visualtrial.d`, `trial.reporters.visualtrial`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/writer.d`, `trial.reporters.writer`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/xunit.d`, `trial.reporters.xunit`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/runner.d`, `trial.runner`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/settings.d`, `trial.settings`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/stackresult.d`, `trial.stackresult`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/step.d`, `trial.step`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/terminal.d`, `trial.terminal`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/parallel.d`, `tests.trial.executors.parallel`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/process.d`, `tests.trial.executors.process`);
testDiscovery1.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/interfaces.d`, `tests.trial.interfaces`);
auto testDiscovery2 = new TestClassDiscovery;
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/attributes.d`, `trial.attributes`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/coverage.d`, `trial.coverage`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/code.d`, `trial.discovery.code`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/spec.d`, `trial.discovery.spec`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/testclass.d`, `trial.discovery.testclass`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/discovery/unit.d`, `trial.discovery.unit`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/parallel.d`, `trial.executor.parallel`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/process.d`, `trial.executor.process`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/executor/single.d`, `trial.executor.single`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/interfaces.d`, `trial.interfaces`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/allure.d`, `trial.reporters.allure`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/dotmatrix.d`, `trial.reporters.dotmatrix`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/html.d`, `trial.reporters.html`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/landing.d`, `trial.reporters.landing`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/list.d`, `trial.reporters.list`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/progress.d`, `trial.reporters.progress`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/result.d`, `trial.reporters.result`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/spec.d`, `trial.reporters.spec`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specprogress.d`, `trial.reporters.specprogress`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/specsteps.d`, `trial.reporters.specsteps`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/stats.d`, `trial.reporters.stats`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/tap.d`, `trial.reporters.tap`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/visualtrial.d`, `trial.reporters.visualtrial`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/writer.d`, `trial.reporters.writer`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/reporters/xunit.d`, `trial.reporters.xunit`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/runner.d`, `trial.runner`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/settings.d`, `trial.settings`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/stackresult.d`, `trial.stackresult`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/step.d`, `trial.step`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/lifecycle/trial/terminal.d`, `trial.terminal`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/parallel.d`, `tests.trial.executors.parallel`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/executors/process.d`, `tests.trial.executors.process`);
testDiscovery2.addModule!(`/builds/szabobogdan3/trial/tests/trial/interfaces.d`, `tests.trial.interfaces`);
if(arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] == "describe") {
import std.stdio;
return 0;
} else {
return runTests(LifeCycleListeners.instance.getTestCases, testName, suiteName).isSuccess ? 0 : 1;
version (unittest) shared static this()
import core.runtime;
Runtime.moduleUnitTester = () => true;