// Written in the D programming language
* $(H2 Summary)
* This module contains a range-based compile-time _lexer generator.
* $(H2 Overview)
* The _lexer generator consists of a template mixin, $(LREF Lexer), along with
* several helper templates for generating such things as token identifiers.
* To write a _lexer using this API:
* $(OL
* $(LI Create the string array constants for your language.
* $(UL
* $(LI $(LINK2 #.staticTokens, staticTokens))
* $(LI $(LINK2 #.dynamicTokens, dynamicTokens))
* $(LI $(LINK2 #.possibleDefaultTokens, possibleDefaultTokens))
* $(LI $(LINK2 #.tokenHandlers, tokenHandlers))
* ))
* $(LI Create aliases for the various token and token identifier types
* specific to your language.
* $(UL
* $(LI $(LREF TokenIdType))
* $(LI $(LREF tokenStringRepresentation))
* $(LI $(LREF TokenStructure))
* $(LI $(LREF TokenId))
* ))
* $(LI Create a struct that mixes in the Lexer template mixin and
* implements the necessary functions.
* $(UL
* $(LI $(LREF Lexer))
* ))
* )
* Examples:
* $(UL
* $(LI A _lexer for D is available $(LINK2 https://github.com/Hackerpilot/Dscanner/blob/master/std/d/lexer.d, here).)
* $(LI A _lexer for Lua is available $(LINK2 https://github.com/Hackerpilot/lexer-demo/blob/master/lualexer.d, here).)
* $(LI A _lexer for JSON is available $(LINK2 https://github.com/Hackerpilot/lexer-demo/blob/master/jsonlexer.d, here).)
* )
* $(DDOC_ANCHOR TemplateParameters) $(H2 Template Parameter Definitions)
* $(DL
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR defaultTokenFunction) $(B defaultTokenFunction)
* $(DD A function that serves as the default token lexing function. For most
* languages this will be the identifier lexing function.))
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR tokenSeparatingFunction) $(B tokenSeparatingFunction))
* $(DD A function that is able to determine if an identifier/keyword has come
* to an end. This function must return bool and take a single size_t
* argument representing the number of bytes to skip over before looking for
* a separating character.)
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR staticTokens) $(B staticTokens))
* $(DD A listing of the tokens whose exact value never changes and which cannot
* possibly be a token handled by the default token lexing function. The
* most common example of this kind of token is an operator such as
* $(D_STRING "*"), or $(D_STRING "-") in a programming language.)
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR dynamicTokens) $(B dynamicTokens))
* $(DD A listing of tokens whose value is variable, such as whitespace,
* identifiers, number literals, and string literals.)
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR possibleDefaultTokens) $(B possibleDefaultTokens))
* $(DD A listing of tokens that could posibly be one of the tokens handled by
* the default token handling function. An common example of this is
* a keyword such as $(D_STRING "for"), which looks like the beginning of
* the identifier $(D_STRING "fortunate"). $(B tokenSeparatingFunction) is
* called to determine if the character after the $(D_STRING 'r') separates
* the identifier, indicating that the token is $(D_STRING "for"), or if
* lexing should be turned over to the $(B defaultTokenFunction).)
* $(DT $(DDOC_ANCHOR tokenHandlers) $(B tokenHandlers))
* $(DD A mapping of prefixes to custom token handling function names. The
* generated _lexer will search for the even-index elements of this array,
* and then call the function whose name is the element immedately after the
* even-indexed element. This is used for lexing complex tokens whose prefix
* is fixed.)
* )
* Here are some example constants for a simple calculator _lexer:
* ---
* // There are a near infinite number of valid number literals, so numbers are
* // dynamic tokens.
* enum string[] dynamicTokens = ["numberLiteral", "whitespace"];
* // The operators are always the same, and cannot start a numberLiteral, so
* // they are staticTokens
* enum string[] staticTokens = ["-", "+", "*", "/"];
* // In this simple example there are no keywords or other tokens that could
* // look like dynamic tokens, so this is blank.
* enum string[] possibleDefaultTokens = [];
* // If any whitespace character or digit is encountered, pass lexing over to
* // our custom handler functions. These will be demonstrated in an example
* // later on.
* enum string[] tokenHandlers = [
* "0", "lexNumber",
* "1", "lexNumber",
* "2", "lexNumber",
* "3", "lexNumber",
* "4", "lexNumber",
* "5", "lexNumber",
* "6", "lexNumber",
* "7", "lexNumber",
* "8", "lexNumber",
* "9", "lexNumber",
* " ", "lexWhitespace",
* "\n", "lexWhitespace",
* "\t", "lexWhitespace",
* "\r", "lexWhitespace"
* ];
* ---
* Copyright: Brian Schott 2013
* License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt Boost, License 1.0)
* Authors: Brian Schott, with ideas shamelessly stolen from Andrei Alexandrescu
* Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/_lexer.d)
module std.experimental.lexer;
* Template for determining the type used for a token type.
* Selects the smallest unsigned integral type that is able to hold the value
* staticTokens.length + dynamicTokens.length + possibleDefaultTokens.length.
* For example if there are 20 static tokens, 30 dynamic tokens,
* and 10 possible default tokens, this template will alias itself to ubyte,
* as 20 + 30 + 10 < $(D_KEYWORD ubyte).max.
* Examples:
* ---
* // In our calculator example this means that IdType is an alias for ubyte.
* alias IdType = TokenIdType!(staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens);
* ---
template TokenIdType(alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens,
alias possibleDefaultTokens)
immutable tokenCount = staticTokens.length + dynamicTokens.length
+ possibleDefaultTokens.length + 1;
static if (tokenCount <= ubyte.max)
alias TokenIdType = ubyte;
else static if (tokenCount <= ushort.max)
alias TokenIdType = ushort;
else static if (tokenCount <= uint.max)
alias TokenIdType = uint;
static assert (false, "The number of tokens must be less than uint.max");
* Looks up the string representation of the given token type.
* This is the opposite of the function of the TokenId template.
* Params: type = the token type identifier
* Examples:
* ---
* alias str = tokenStringRepresentation(IdType, staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens);
* assert (str(tok!"*") == "*");
* ---
* See_also: $(LREF TokenId)
string tokenStringRepresentation(IdType, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens,
alias possibleDefaultTokens)(IdType type) pure nothrow @property @nogc @safe
// hax
static auto f() pure nothrow @trusted
return cast(immutable) staticTokens ~ dynamicTokens ~ possibleDefaultTokens;
static immutable tokens = f();
if (type == 0)
return "!ERROR!";
else if (type < tokens.length + 1)
return tokens[type - 1];
return null;
alias IdType = TokenIdType!(["foo"], ["bar"], ["doo"]);
enum tok(string token) = TokenId!(IdType, ["foo"], ["bar"], ["doo"], token);
alias str = tokenStringRepresentation!(IdType, ["foo"], ["bar"], ["doo"]);
static assert (str(tok!"foo") == "foo");
static assert (str(tok!"bar") == "bar");
static assert (str(tok!"doo") == "doo");
* Generates the token type identifier for the given symbol.
* There are two special cases:
* $(UL
* $(LI If symbol is $(D_STRING ""), then the token identifier will be 0)
* $(LI If symbol is $(D_STRING "\0"), then the token identifier will be the maximum
* valid token type identifier)
* )
* In all cases this template will alias itself to a constant of type IdType.
* This template will fail at compile time if $(D_PARAM symbol) is not one of
* the staticTokens, dynamicTokens, or possibleDefaultTokens.
* Examples:
* ---
* template tok(string symbol)
* {
* alias tok = TokenId!(IdType, staticTokens, dynamicTokens,
* possibleDefaultTokens, symbol);
* }
* // num and plus are of type ubyte.
* IdType plus = tok!"+";
* IdType num = tok!"numberLiteral";
* ---
template TokenId(IdType, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens,
alias possibleDefaultTokens, string symbol)
enum tokens = staticTokens ~ dynamicTokens ~ possibleDefaultTokens;
import std.algorithm;
static if (symbol == "")
enum id = 0;
alias TokenId = id;
else static if (symbol == "\0")
enum id = 1 + tokens.length;
alias TokenId = id;
enum i = tokens.countUntil(symbol);
static if (i != -1)
enum id = i + 1;
static assert (id >= 0 && id < IdType.max, "Invalid token: " ~ symbol);
alias TokenId = id;
static assert (0, "Invalid token: " ~ symbol);
* The token that is returned by the lexer.
* Params:
* IdType = The D type of the "type" token type field.
* extraFields = A string containing D code for any extra fields that should
* be included in the token structure body. This string is passed
* directly to a mixin statement.
* Examples:
* ---
* // No extra struct fields are desired in this example, so leave it blank.
* alias Token = TokenStructure!(IdType, "");
* Token minusToken = Token(tok!"-");
* ---
struct TokenStructure(IdType, string extraFields = "")
public pure nothrow @safe @nogc
bool opEquals(ref const typeof(this) other) const
return this.type == other.type && this.text == other.text;
* Returns: true if the token has the given type, false otherwise.
bool opEquals(IdType type) const
return this.type == type;
* Constructs a token from a token type.
* Params: type = the token type
this(IdType type)
this.type = type;
* Constructs a token.
* Params:
* type = the token type
* text = the text of the token, which may be null
* line = the line number at which this token occurs
* column = the column number at which this token occurs
* index = the byte offset from the beginning of the input at which this
* token occurs
this(IdType type, string text, size_t line, size_t column, size_t index)
this.text = text;
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
this.type = type;
this.index = index;
* The _text of the token.
string text;
* The _line number at which this token occurs.
size_t line;
* The _column number at which this token occurs. This is measured in bytes
* and may not be correct when tab characters are involved.
size_t column;
* The byte offset from the beginning of the input at which this token
* occurs.
size_t index;
* The token type.
IdType type;
mixin (extraFields);
* The implementation of the _lexer is contained within this mixin template.
* To use it, this template should be mixed in to a struct that represents the
* _lexer for your language. This struct should implement the following methods:
* $(UL
* $(LI popFront, which should call this mixin's _popFront() and
* additionally perform any token filtering or shuffling you deem
* necessary. For example, you can implement popFront to skip comment or
* tokens.)
* $(LI A function that serves as the default token lexing function. For
* most languages this will be the identifier lexing function. This
* should then be passed to the $(LREF Lexer) template mixin as the
* $(LINK2 #.defaultTokenFunction defaultTokenFunction) template
* parameter.)
* $(LI A function that is able to determine if an identifier/keyword has
* come to an end. This function must return $(D_KEYWORD bool) and take
* a single $(D_KEYWORD size_t) argument representing the number of
* bytes to skip over before looking for a separating character.)
* $(LI Any functions referred to in the tokenHandlers template paramater.
* These functions must be marked $(D_KEYWORD pure nothrow), take no
* arguments, and return a token)
* $(LI A constructor that initializes the range field as well as calls
* popFront() exactly once (to initialize the _front field).)
* )
* Params:
* Token = $(LREF TokenStructure)
* defaultTokenFunction = $(LINK2 #.defaultTokenFunction, defaultTokenFunction)
* tokenSeparatingFunction = $(LINK2 #.tokenSeparatingFunction, tokenSeparatingFunction)
* staticTokens = $(LINK2 #.staticTokens, staticTokens)
* dynamicTokens = $(LINK2 #.dynamicTokens, dynamicTokens)
* possibleDefaultTokens = $(LINK2 #.possibleDefaultTokens, possibleDefaultTokens)
* tokenHandlers = $(LINK2 #.tokenHandlers, tokenHandlers)
* Examples:
* ---
* struct CalculatorLexer
* {
* mixin Lexer!(IdType, Token, defaultTokenFunction, isSeparating,
* staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens, tokenHandlers);
* this (ubyte[] bytes)
* {
* this.range = LexerRange(bytes);
* popFront();
* }
* void popFront() pure
* {
* _popFront();
* }
* Token lexNumber() pure nothrow @safe
* {
* // implementation goes here
* }
* Token lexWhitespace() pure nothrow @safe
* {
* // implementation goes here
* }
* Token defaultTokenFunction() pure nothrow @safe
* {
* // There is no default token in the example calculator language, so
* // this is always an error.
* range.popFront();
* return Token(tok!"");
* }
* bool isSeparating(size_t offset) pure nothrow @safe
* {
* // For this example language, always return true.
* return true;
* }
* }
* ---
mixin template Lexer(Token, alias defaultTokenFunction,
alias tokenSeparatingFunction, alias staticTokens, alias dynamicTokens,
alias possibleDefaultTokens, alias tokenHandlers)
private alias _IDType = typeof(Token.type);
private enum _tok(string symbol) = TokenId!(_IDType, staticTokens, dynamicTokens, possibleDefaultTokens, symbol);
static assert (tokenHandlers.length % 2 == 0, "Each pseudo-token must"
~ " have a corresponding handler function name.");
static string generateMask(const ubyte[] arr)
import std.string : format;
ulong u;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.length && i < 8; i++)
u |= (cast(ulong) arr[i]) << (i * 8);
return format("0x%016x", u);
private static string generateByteMask(size_t l)
import std.string : format;
return format("0x%016x", ulong.max >> ((8 - l) * 8));
private static size_t calcSplitCount(size_t a, size_t b) pure nothrow
int i;
while (true)
a /= 2;
if (a < b)
return i;
private static char[] getBeginningChars(string[] allTokens)
char[] beginningChars;
for (size_t i = 0; i < allTokens.length; i++)
if (allTokens[i].length == 0)
beginningChars ~= allTokens[i][0];
size_t j = i + 1;
while (j < allTokens.length && allTokens[i][0] == allTokens[j][0])
i = j - 1;
return beginningChars;
private static string generateStatements()
import std.algorithm : sort;
import std.range : stride;
string[] pseudoTokens = array(tokenHandlers.stride(2));
string[] allTokens = array(sort(staticTokens ~ possibleDefaultTokens ~ pseudoTokens).uniq());
// Array consisting of a sorted list of the first characters of the
// tokens.
char[] beginningChars = getBeginningChars(allTokens);
size_t i = calcSplitCount(beginningChars.length, 8);
return generateStatementsStep(allTokens, pseudoTokens, beginningChars, i);
private static string generateStatementsStep(string[] allTokens,
string[] pseudoTokens, char[] chars, size_t i, string indent = "")
import std.string : format;
string code;
if (i > 0)
size_t p = chars.length / 2;
code ~= indent ~ format("if (f < 0x%02x) // %s \n%s{\n", chars[p], chars[p], indent);
code ~= generateStatementsStep(allTokens, pseudoTokens, chars[0 .. p], i - 1, indent ~ " ");
code ~= indent ~ "}\n" ~ indent ~ "else\n" ~ indent ~ "{\n";
code ~= generateStatementsStep(allTokens, pseudoTokens, chars[p .. $], i - 1, indent ~ " ");
code ~= indent ~ "}\n";
code ~= indent ~ "switch (f)\n" ~ indent ~ "{\n";
foreach (char c; chars)
size_t begin;
size_t end;
for (size_t j = 0; j < allTokens.length; j++)
if (allTokens[j].length == 0 || allTokens[j][0] != c)
begin = j;
end = j + 1;
while (end < allTokens.length && allTokens[begin][0] == allTokens[end][0])
code ~= format("%scase 0x%02x:\n", indent, c);
code ~= printCase(allTokens[begin .. end], pseudoTokens, indent ~ " ");
code ~= indent ~ "default: goto _defaultTokenFunction;\n";
code ~= indent ~ "}\n";
return code;
private static string printCase(string[] tokens, string[] pseudoTokens, string indent)
import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm : countUntil;
import std.conv : text;
string[] sortedTokens = array(sort!"a.length > b.length"(tokens));
if (tokens.length == 1 && tokens[0].length == 1)
if (pseudoTokens.countUntil(tokens[0]) >= 0)
return indent ~ tokenHandlers[tokenHandlers.countUntil(tokens[0]) + 1]
~ "(token);\n" ~ indent ~ "return;\n";
else if (staticTokens.countUntil(tokens[0]) >= 0)
return indent ~ "range.index++; range.column++;\n"
~ indent ~ "token = Token(_tok!\"" ~ escape(tokens[0]) ~ "\", null, line, column, index);\n"
~ indent ~ "return;\n";
else if (pseudoTokens.countUntil(tokens[0]) >= 0)
return indent ~ tokenHandlers[tokenHandlers.countUntil(tokens[0]) + 1]
~ "(token);\n" ~ indent ~ "return;\n";
string code;
bool insertTrailingGoto = true;
foreach (i, token; sortedTokens)
immutable mask = generateMask(cast (const ubyte[]) token);
if (token.length >= 8)
code ~= indent ~ "if (frontBytes == " ~ mask ~ ")\n";
else if (token.length != 1)
code ~= indent ~ "if ((frontBytes & " ~ generateByteMask(token.length) ~ ") == " ~ mask ~ ")\n";
if (token.length != 1)
code ~= indent ~ "{\n";
if (pseudoTokens.countUntil(token) >= 0)
if (token.length <= 8)
if (token.length == 1)
insertTrailingGoto = false;
code ~= (token.length == 1 ? indent : indent ~ " ")
~ tokenHandlers[tokenHandlers.countUntil(token) + 1]
~ "(token);\n";
code ~= (token.length == 1 ? indent : indent ~ " ") ~ "return;\n";
code ~= indent ~ " if (range.startsWith(cast (ubyte[]) \"" ~ escape(token) ~ "\")\n";
code ~= indent ~ " "
~ tokenHandlers[tokenHandlers.countUntil(token) + 1]
~ "();\n";
code ~= indent ~ " return;\n";
else if (staticTokens.countUntil(token) >= 0)
if (token.length <= 8)
if (token.length == 1)
insertTrailingGoto = false;
code ~= indent ~ (token.length != 1 ? " " : "") ~ "range.index += " ~ text(token.length) ~ "; range.column += " ~ text(token.length) ~ ";\n";
code ~= indent ~ (token.length != 1 ? " " : "") ~ "token = Token(_tok!\"" ~ escape(token) ~ "\", null, line, column, index);\n";
code ~= indent ~ (token.length != 1 ? " " : "") ~ "return;\n";
code ~= indent ~ " pragma(msg, \"long static tokens not supported\"); // " ~ escape(token) ~ "\n";
// possible default
if (token.length <= 8)
code ~= indent ~ " if (tokenSeparatingFunction(" ~ text(token.length) ~ "))\n";
code ~= indent ~ " {\n";
code ~= indent ~ " range.index += " ~ text(token.length) ~ "; range.column += " ~ text(token.length) ~ ";\n";
code ~= indent ~ " token = Token(_tok!\"" ~ escape(token) ~ "\", null, line, column, index);\n";
code ~= indent ~ " return;\n";
code ~= indent ~ " }\n";
code ~= indent ~ " else\n";
code ~= indent ~ " goto _defaultTokenFunction;\n";
code ~= indent ~ " if (range.startsWith(cast (ubyte[]) \"" ~ escape(token) ~"\") && isSeparating(" ~ text(token.length) ~ "))\n";
code ~= indent ~ " {\n";
code ~= indent ~ " range.index += " ~ text(token.length) ~ "; range.column += " ~ text(token.length) ~ ";\n";
code ~= indent ~ " token = Token(_tok!\"" ~ escape(token) ~ "\", null, line, column, index);\n";
code ~= indent ~ " return;\n";
code ~= indent ~ " }\n";
code ~= indent ~ " else\n";
code ~= indent ~ " goto _defaultTokenFunction;\n";
if (token.length != 1)
code ~= indent ~ "}\n";
if (insertTrailingGoto)
code ~= indent ~ "goto _defaultTokenFunction;\n";
return code;
* Implements the range primitive _front.
ref const(Token) front()() pure nothrow const @property @safe
return _front;
* Advances the lexer to the next token and stores the new current token in
* the _front variable.
void _popFront()() pure nothrow @safe
* Implements the range primitive _empty.
bool empty()() pure const nothrow @property @safe @nogc
return _front.type == _tok!"\0";
static string escape(string input) pure @trusted
string retVal;
foreach (ubyte c; cast(ubyte[]) input)
switch (c)
case '\\': retVal ~= `\\`; break;
case '"': retVal ~= `\"`; break;
case '\'': retVal ~= `\'`; break;
case '\t': retVal ~= `\t`; break;
case '\n': retVal ~= `\n`; break;
case '\r': retVal ~= `\r`; break;
default: retVal ~= c; break;
return retVal;
enum tokenSearch = generateStatements();
static ulong getFront(const ubyte[] arr) pure nothrow @trusted
static union ByteArr { ulong l; ubyte[8] arr; }
static assert(ByteArr.sizeof == ulong.sizeof);
ByteArr b;
b.l = ulong.max;
b.arr[0 .. arr.length] = arr[];
return b.l;
void advance(ref Token token) pure nothrow @trusted
if (range.index >= range.bytes.length)
token.type = _tok!"\0";
immutable size_t index = range.index;
immutable size_t column = range.column;
immutable size_t line = range.line;
immutable ulong frontBytes = range.index + 8 <= range.bytes.length
? getFront(range.bytes[range.index .. range.index + 8])
: getFront(range.bytes[range.index .. $]);
ubyte f = cast(ubyte) frontBytes;
// pragma(msg, tokenSearch);
* The lexer input.
LexerRange range;
* The token that is currently at the front of the range.
Token _front;
* Range structure that wraps the _lexer's input.
struct LexerRange
// TODO: When D gets @forceinline the template inline hack (i.e
// `void front()() { ... }` )should be removed.
public nothrow pure @safe @nogc:
* Params:
* bytes = the _lexer input
* index = the initial offset from the beginning of $(D_PARAM bytes)
* column = the initial _column number
* line = the initial _line number
this(const(ubyte)[] bytes, size_t index = 0, size_t column = 1, size_t line = 1)
this.bytes = bytes;
this.index = index;
this.column = column;
this.line = line;
* Returns: a mark at the current position that can then be used with slice.
size_t mark()() const
return index;
* Sets the range to the given position.
* Params: m = the position to seek to
void seek()(size_t m)
index = m;
* Returns a slice of the input byte array between the given mark and the
* current position.
* Params m = the beginning index of the slice to return
const(ubyte)[] slice()(size_t m) const
return bytes[m .. index];
* Implements the range primitive _empty.
bool empty()() const
return index >= bytes.length;
* Implements the range primitive _front.
ubyte front()() const
return bytes[index];
* Returns: the current item as well as the items $(D_PARAM p) items ahead.
const(ubyte)[] peek(size_t p) const
return index + p + 1 > bytes.length
? bytes[index .. $]
: bytes[index .. index + p + 1];
* Returns: true if the range starts with the given byte sequence
bool startsWith(const(ubyte[]) needle) const
if (needle.length + index > bytes.length)
return false;
foreach (i; 0 .. needle.length)
if (needle[i] != bytes[index + i])
return false;
return true;
ubyte peekAt()(size_t offset) const
return bytes[index + offset];
* Returns: true if it is possible to peek $(D_PARAM p) bytes ahead.
bool canPeek()(size_t p) const
return index + p < bytes.length;
* Implements the range primitive _popFront.
void popFront()()
* Implements the algorithm _popFrontN more efficiently. This function does
* not detect or handle newlines.
void popFrontN()(size_t n)
index += n;
column += n;
* Increments the range's line number and resets the column counter.
void incrementLine()(size_t i = 1)
column = 1;
line += i;
* The input _bytes.
const(ubyte)[] bytes;
* The range's current position.
size_t index;
* The current _column number.
size_t column;
* The current _line number.
size_t line;